Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So, don't know if you've noticed, but it's been crazy.  I'm a little preoccupied with trying to figure out Evan's new sleep schedule (and hoping he still has one), getting my behind to the gym in between his new sleep schedule, getting ready to go to NJ for a few days, and all of this with Brian away for work.  I will say again and again, I honestly don't know how single moms do it.

The moral of the story is that you won't be getting a new or interesting post until next week.  I need to shower before he wakes up (if he really went to sleep) and then we have a bazillion things to do and at some point Evan has on his "To Do" list to get super tired but refuse to take a nap and that takes a lot of time away from our day.

But on the bright side... next Tuesday I have an appointment with a possible Atlanta gynecologist (I say possible because my first contact in Austin was a terrible disaster) and there are always fun stories that can come from that.

Enjoy your weekend and I'll be back soon.  But in case you need some eye candy:

(This is how his hair dries naturally... and that is what I look like not showered - cover your eyes from the shine off of my forehead.)

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